Low-level clouds

canakkalecok bulutlu

Low clouds form at altitudes below 2000 meters (6500 feet). At these low heights, clouds are mostly composed of water droplets. (Cold winter months below zero are the exception when you find existing ice crystals in these low-altitude clouds.) Stratus Clouds Stratus clouds consist of thin layers of clouds that form close to the ground. They are mostly featureless in grayish color. One of its highlights is that it covers large parts of the sky at once. (It usually extends from horizon to horizon.) Stratus clouds are closely related to fog. In fact, fog is nothing more than the form of a stratus cloud formed at ground level. The precipitation associated with these gloomy-looking clouds consists mostly of fog or light drizzling rain. Stratocumulus Clouds Lying low, these seemingly fluffy clouds are placed close together so that small pieces of blue skies can be seen between them. From below, they have the appearance of honeycombs. With colors ranging from white to grayish colors and their tendency to cover important parts of the sky, people often associate rain with these clouds. In reality, stratocumulus clouds are quite benign when it comes to precipitation. A slight drizzle may be the most likely thing you’ll get out of this cloud system.


Author: co.admin