saganak tekir
Posted in Genel

How Precipitation and Clouds Form?

Hava durumu, bu gezegende yaşayan herkesin deneyimlemesi gereken bir şeydir. Bu nedenle, nasıl çalıştığı hakkında biraz bilgi sahibi olmak ve bununla ilgili birkaç terime sahip…

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Posted in Genel

How Does a Digital Hygrometer Work?

A typical digital hygrometer uses either resistive or capacitive solid-state sensors to determine humidity levels. In other words, it measures the resistance or capacitance of…

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kar olcer
Posted in Genel

How Does Snowfall Form?

Snowfall, which is one of the natural events, is important for the destruction of some microbes that spread to the environment and thus the reduction…

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Posted in Genel

Why does it snow?

Before it snows, a series of chemical and physical processes must take place. It may not be magic, but it is no less impressive. Snow…

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Posted in Genel

Where to Place the Barometer

A barometer is suitable for indoor or outdoor placement, depending on your needs. It is important to keep the following in mind when placing your…

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dunya hızı
Posted in Genel

Wo ist die Troposphäre

The troposphere is arguably the most important layer for us humans. This is the layer we all live in and also the layer that supports…

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Posted in Genel

What is Storm Glass?

Storm glass is a meteorological instrument used to predict weather in the 19th century. It consists of a closed tube filled with a combination of…

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Posted in Genel

The World’s Windiest Cities

The following list describes the top 10 cities and locations in the world that are constantly exposed to strong wind conditions. 1.Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica 2.Wellington,…

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trakya hava durumu prc
Posted in Genel

Toronto, Ontario, Kanada Hava Durumu

Hafta sonu eyaletimizde yağış beklenmiyor hava az bulutlu ve açık hava sıcaklığı 22-23 derece ancak Pazartesi gününden itibaren kuvvetli artacak hava sıcaklığı değerleri 27-29 derece…

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Posted in Genel

Nem Ölçme Aleti

Havadaki nemi ölçmek için kullanılan alete higrometre denir. Yıllar boyunca kullanılan bu enstrümanların çeşitli türleri vardır. Psikrometre , muhtemelen bir nem ölçüm cihazının en iyi…

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